FEBRUARY 24th, 2025

(back to home)

ARGH!! I've been sick nonstop for almost two weeks now... Hi again, I managed to remember to write another entry! This month has been rough. It's been hard to keep up with commissions because of it, and now I'm kinda swamped... Everyone's been super nice, but I really feel bad when I keep someone waiting for a long time.

There's a bad flu going around, and I caught it under two weeks ago, and it ruined me for a while there... I missed a lot of work! I hope my boss doesn't think that this is going to be a usual thing... I really do want to work hard! And I haven't been able to stream much, either, since I sound like a garburator... Ugh, this hasn't been my month. I hope next month will be better, because February sucked.

At the very least, today I had some burgers and one of my anime figures that was gifted to me through Throne arrived in the mail! I'm super excited to open it up... actually, let me do that right now!


Okay! It's out now! I got it set up. It's really cute!! I'm kind of obsessed with it... The person who sent me this actually did so as a tip for a commission, so it was a really nice surprise! Everyone I work with is so sweet; I'm so thankful that I've had so many vanishingly few instances of weird customers, and they've only all been small instances.

I'm going back to work on Wednesday, so I'm going to work extra hard on commissions tomorrow so I can get them to everyone on time. On top of that, I still need to clean up my room, since it got super messy after I got sick... Ummm... I hope I can be more proactive soon...

At the very least, trying to get my mind off of things, I had a lot of cool ideas for upcoming personal projects. I'm trying to not get too deep in the paint so I don't neglect my other responsibilities, but that's always when the coolest ideas hit me! What's that all about, anyway?! Come on, why can't I get cool ideas when I'm free to work on them?!

I think I've figured out my priorities commission-wise once I've worked through this waitlist. There's a lot of cool things coming, so if you're reading this and you're interested, I hope you're excited! I'll try to stream on Wednesday, too, if my throat feels any better... I hope it does. I'll start compiling cough candies...

While I was sick, I got really deep into watching Deltarune theory videos, and now my brain doesn't quite work right anymore. I watched all of mollystars's Device Theory (an 8+ video series) and it makes so much sense, but it's so hard to explain out of context! I tried to explain that and the Penumbra Phantasm thing to Prince in a call the other day, and I realized I sounded completely insane. I still think Device Theory is canon, but it was basically a nested narrative just like House of Leaves... hmm... Does that make Zampano equivalent to Gaster? That'd make sense...

I keep checking Toby Fox's Bluesky page almost obsessively every day, hoping that he'll make another post... Whenever he does, even about something benign (like fixing "hat crashes" like he just did a few hours ago today!) I get so excited... And the cycle repeats itself endlessly... Will we get Chapter 3 and 4 soon? I want to stream it, but I don't know if I should... It'd be cool to look back on my reaction to it, so I probably should!

I think I like broad, sweeping theories more than I do theories about specific plot beats, because I feel like trying to figure out the smaller parts of what happens might ruin the fun. For the most part. There's a lot of weird theories out there... I don't like third entity theories, either... I think it takes a lot away from Kris.

I actually have a weird personal theory that Toby Fox is trying to draw deliberate comparisons to Final Fantasy VII with Kris being in the place of Cloud Strife, and we as the player are in the place of Sephiroth, and thereby something else is in the place of Jenova... I have absolutely no proof of this aside from a handful of scraps (like Kris getting the "X-Slash" move in Snowgrave, a.k.a. CROSS SLASH) but if I get vindicated I will Become The Angel.

Hopefully, in the next few months, I can look at these posts and be like: "What?! You idiot! Of course (xxxx) is the (xxxx)! How could you not see that coming?! What about (xxxx)?! You didn't even know that THEY were going to show up!" I think that'll be exciting.

Here's some questions I'd like to ask myself when CH3 and CH4 come out, which I'll try to remember to answer when I've played them:

1. What's your favourite song from the new chapters?
2. Who's your favourite character from the new chapters?
3. Did any theories get crushed? Did any get strengthened?
4. Did you end up cheating and giving yourself a million health in the game to get past the secret boss again...?
5. Is the Weird Route any different, or is it basically the same thing?
6. Egg?
7. Who's the person that people relentlessly thirst over in these chapters?! Is it Spamton again, for some reason?!
8. Is anything scary?!

Hopefully, I remember to do this. Let me know if I forget!! ... Whoa, this entry ended up pretty long!

It's getting pretty late. Let's play some video games tomorrow, after we've worked hard!


Big Town Banky Blaine's Rockabilly BBQ - Bear Ghost


"How *not* to lose? It is impossible not to. The world is balanced on the edge of a knife. It's a game of frayed nerves. You're pushed on by numbers and punitive measures: pain, rejection, and unpaid bills. You can either play or you can crawl under a boat and waste away -- turn into salt or a flock of seagulls. Your enemies would *love* that. Or you can fight. The only way to load the dice is to keep on fighting."

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